How to use ChatGPT to grow your construction business

AI in construction

“What the hell is AI and how the hell do I use ChatGPT”… This has been pretty much the conversation openers I’ve been getting since ChatGPT busted itself out onto the Open AI scene. Followed very closely by… “I guess you copywriters are obsolete now that ChatGPT is here”. 

Ahh, not quite buddy, but I’m not gonna lie, AI had me worried and I did try to ignore ChatGPT for the longest time. I’m not one for change, and if things aren’t broken, why fix it, right? 

But there’s no ignoring this folks! 

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is here and like it or not, it has and will continue to dramatically transform the way businesses operate across a wide range of industries. 

But it seems not everyone is as risk-averse as me. Surprisingly, service-based businesses have been among the fastest to adopt AI technologies to enhance customer experience, optimise operations, and ultimately drive growth. 

From chatbots and automated scheduling to predictive analytics and personalised marketing, AI has become an essential tool for businesses wanting to stay competitive and improve the bottom line.

But as mind-blowing as it is, AI including ChatGPT can be overwhelming for some, and simply downright confusing for others. So, let’s break it down, make some sense of it all and look at ways ChatGPT can be used in your construction / property business. 

What is ChatGPT? 

First things first, what is ChatGPT… Well, Let’s go straight to the source and ask ChatGPT. 

What is ChatGPT - Content Builders

I asked: “Hey, ChatGPT, explain what ChatGPT is for anyone who hasn’t heard of it” 

The response:  “Sure, ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It is designed to understand natural language and generate human-like responses to a wide range of prompts, questions, and tasks.

ChatGPT has been trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, including books, articles, and websites. This has enabled it to develop a deep understanding of human language and knowledge in various domains, ranging from science and technology to history, art, and more.

As an AI language model, ChatGPT can be used for a variety of applications, such as chatbots, language translation, content generation, and more. Its versatility and flexibility make it a powerful tool for businesses, researchers, and individuals looking to leverage the power of natural language processing and AI.”

So there you go, straight from the horse’s… err… robot’s mouth. ChatGPT is an AI assistant that is designed to assist you in creating content. 

Oh and in case you are wondering, ChatGPT is currently free to use and can be found here:

How can ChatGPT be used in my construction business?

How can ChatGPT be of use in your construction business? So, so many ways! Of course, the obvious is to ask it to write blogs and articles, but you’ll be surprised to find out that ChatGPT is more advanced and can carry out more specific tasks than you realise. 

You can ask ChatGPT to provide simple lists that can be used to create documents in your business. 

For example, I asked ChatGPT to list the important things to know when building a house. 

What you need to know to build a house - Content Builders ChatGPT

I also asked ChatGPT to write a short email I can use as a template for a client to update them on their house build. Within seconds I received this response: 

Using ChatGPT for business emails - content builders

Pretty impressive don’t you think? 

You can use ChatGPT to not only give you content and information, but you can also ask it to supply you with that information in the format you need. 

But wait! There’s more… 

While blogs, articles, emails, website content, brochures and the like are all relatively straightforward tasks for ChatGPT to knock over, it can also offer up answers to more complex information relating to all industries, including the building industry. 

I delved deep into the program and took it through its paces in regard to information specific to construction in Australia. And then I went further and asked ChatGPT to provide state-specific construction information. 

Here are some of the questions and responses I received. 

I asked ChatGPT to outline what actions are applied to minimise stress on a building. This was the response: 

Minimising stress on a building - Content Builders

I also asked ChatGPT to list the building codes that are relevant when building in Queensland, and this was the response: 

How to use ChatGPT for builders

Finally, I asked ChatGPT to outline the latest National Construction Code (NCC) changes that were coming into effect in Queensland in 2023 and ChatGPT responded like this: 

How to use ChatGPT in construction

Okay, so it’s not perfect… But at least it’s transparent with the limitations and even though it’s not able to provide information that answers the question, it will offer up the best answer it can. 

This is a good reminder that while AI and ChatGPT have come a long way, and it is well advanced, there are still limitations and you still need to double-check the information it provides. (The paid version does offer up a more advanced version, but it would still need to be checked.)

Tips on using ChatGPT responsibly

This is probably a good time to talk about the limitations of ChatGPT and AI and how to be a responsible user of the software. As great as it is, you still need to remember that it does not and will not replace human thinking. 

The software is only as good as the information you input, so the responses are only going to be as good as the questions you ask. If you are new to the software, it may take you a while to get the hang of it. It might take some different thinking and some strategy to get out the information you need in the format you need it. 

One of the great things about ChatGPT is that it retains the information you’ve asked previously, so if you don’t get what you need the first time, or you need more information, you can simply ask it to expand the answer, or list more, or rewrite it in a different way. 

For example, you can prompt ChatGPT to list 5 ways you can make a home more energy efficient. And then once you’ve got a list, you can ask ChatGPT to list 5 more. 

How to use ChatGPT in your building business

The more you use the program, the easier it will be and the better you will get at using it. Interestingly enough, ChatGPT will also become better at getting to understand your question style and what you need from it. 

As weird as this sounds, you really need to treat ChatGPT as a new relationship. Consider it your unpaid intern who is completely green and in desperate need of guidance. It may be awkward at first and you may be frustrated with the process but the more you build the relationship the better you two will get at getting what you need out of each other. 

Sure, it’s not going to make your coffee or clean your desk like you might ask an intern to do, but on the plus side, at least it won’t have a mobile device glued to its face or spend the day complaining about how bad the cost of living is right now. I’d take that as a win!

Ultimately, if you keep these handy pointers in mind when you’re using ChatGPT, you can’t really go wrong: 

  1. Be clear in your prompts: The more specific you are in your question or prompt, the more likely ChatGPT will provide a useful and accurate response. Don’t use vague or open-ended prompts.
  2. Provide context when necessary: If your question or prompt is related to a specific topic or situation, providing relevant background information or context can help ChatGPT provide a more relevant and accurate response. Correct grammar and spelling also helps.
  3. Experiment with different prompts and approaches: ChatGPT’s responses can vary depending on the specific prompt and the way it is framed. Experiment with different prompts and approaches to get the most out of the ChatGPT capabilities.
  4. Respect ChatGPT’s limitations: While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it is not capable of understanding or addressing every question or topic. Be aware of ChatGPT’s limitations and use it accordingly.
  5. Don’t share confidential or sensitive information: You will be reminded of this when signing up to ChatGPT, but it goes without saying that as an open source program, you should not be sharing any sensitive information with the program.

I’ll repeat this again in case you missed it… ChatGPT and all things AI are simply tools to be used. They are not a replacement for human expertise or critical thinking. Always use your own judgement and research to validate ChatGPT’s responses.

Do you have a list of how ChatGPT can be used in my construction business?

Do I have a list? Do I have a list?! Oh, I have a list alright! Of course I have a list, what were you thinking? Lists are my thing, my jam! 

Plus I knew you’d ask. 

Just for you, I’ve put together a list of 50 ways you can use ChatGPT in your building and construction business. It’s super fancy and will definitely keep you busy with ChatGPT for a while to come. 

Download it HERE, refer back to it whenever you like, print it off, study it, give it to your actual unpaid intern… whatever you like. 

The final word on ChatGPT

Well, seeing as this article is about how to use ChatGPT, I think it’s only fitting that ChatGPT has the final word, don’t you? 


Using ChatGPT - Content Builders

Disclaimer: While ChatGPT was used to provide examples for this article, the article itself was written purely on human brain power. Mine to be specific. 

Oh, before I go, did I mention that you can find ChatGPT here…

I already told you? Oh good! 

Did I also mention that if you have any questions or want to talk more about ChatGPT, you can contact us here 

No? Well we are always happy to answer any questions you have, so drop us a line and say hi.  

Until next time,


Katie Marshall - Content Builders